The Español Experience​

Conversational Spanish for Kids 

Start a January 6th Tradition

Tips & Inspiration 

5 TIps to Help Heritage Language Learners Soar.  Read it 

Superhero Mom Rosa Blasi remembers learning Spanish as a kid. See it here    

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Is your child learning a foreign language?  Congratulations!  You're giving them a huge advantage that will last their whole lives.

On this page we gather ideas to help you keep your child motivated, whether or not you speak the language they're learning. 

Visit us again.  We're adding tips all the time to help you raise a bilingual child.

One great way to motivate kids to learn Spanish is to share the fun of cultural traditions. In the Spanish-speaking world, the big holiday gift-giving day is the Feast of the Epiphany, or Three Kings Day on January 6th, when the Magi arrived at the birthplace of the Baby Jesus bearing gifts fit for a King. 

To welcome Los 3 Reyes Magos into their own home, parents help kids place camel snacks under their beds the night of January 5th. (A bowl of water plus hay or grass, a piece of fruit or veggie are good choices). That night, while the camels munch away, the Kings leave a small gift under each child’s bed to be discovered the next day.  

By the way, it turns out camels are pretty messy eaters.  At our house they often leave a trail of half-chewed carrots. In the morning, as my kids unwrap their gifts from the three kings, I complain "I HAVE TO CLEAN UP AFTER CAMELS NOW TOO FOR GOODNESS SAKES?!" Giggles guaranteed.

Photo by Thiago Cerqueira /Unsplash